Our offices

Laserkatu 6
FI-53850 Lappeenranta, Finland

Location on map

Tekniikantie 4 D
FI-02150 Espoo, Finland

Location on map

Rautatienpuistokatu 7
FI-28130 Pori, Finland

Location on map

Snellmaninkatu 2 B
FI-70100 Kuopio, Finland

Location on map

+358 10 217 6900

Get in touch


Invoicing addresses

E-invoicing address:  003709782408
EDI-ID: 003709782408
Operator: Maventa
Broker ID: 003721291126
Broker ID, Bank: DABAFIHH

Purchase invoices (paper), invoicing address:

Invoicing address must be written on invoice and also on envelope:

Syncron Tech Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

If paper invoices are sent by email - please use email address:  09782408@scan.netvisor.fi

Invoicing address (see above) must be written on invoice.
Invoice in PDF-form (max 5Mb). Attachments should be sent together with invoice in the same file.

Syncron Tech Oy

In sync. In control.