The most comprehensive set of solutions for the energy industry.
SyncPower® EMS (Energy Management System) has been developed for the needs of energy-intensive industries. SyncPower® EMS minimizes energy costs per production unit.
The use of steam and, for example, natural gas is optimized alongside the use of electricity. Energy (steam and electricity) can be purchased entirely externally or produced in part or entirely at own power plants.
SyncPower® EMS has proven to be particularly useful in heavy process industries such as the forest, chemical and steel industries. The required EMS functions vary widely between industries and companies, depending on the production technologies used and how the energy procurement and production responsibilities are divided within the company.
SyncPower® EMS can handle all the cases mentioned above. The solution can be complemented by SyncPower® operation management functionality for planning, managing, controlling and reporting on the power plant production processes.
SyncPower® EMS supports 15-minute imbalance settlement period. 15 minutes period instead of 1 hour makes manual or spreadsheet supported participation to electricity markets practically out of question. Estimation of electricity purchase, production or sales needs based on production plans and maintenance shutdown plans added with relevant external factors in short cycle is tedious task. It must be automated with software that supports it.